Environmental, Social, & Governance

Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) measures both individual investment and overall firm impact in a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to, sustainability and business ethics. Ascentris views its ESG policies as a vital component to both its corporate citizenship and to the performance of its investments.

Ascentris believes that having strong ESG principles results in sustainable financial performance, lower employee turnover, and reduced regulatory risk. Accordingly, Ascentris has established an ESG committee tasked with monitoring the implementation and compliance of its ESG policy.

There are three primary pillars to Ascentris’ ESG policy:


Environmental Protection

The real estate industry consumes a significant amount of energy, water, and other resources resulting in the production of waste streams and greenhouse gas  emissions, all of which have a substantial environmental impact. Ascentris is committed to decreasing its environmental footprint through its environmental protection policies and procedures, and its extensive environmental due diligence process for each new investment. Ascentris always assesses environmental hazards and recognized environmental conditions for each new investment within an institutional framework.


Social Engagement

Ascentris’ social policy addresses how Ascentris, as a firm, and each employee, should interact with their communities, investors, service providers, local operating and development partners and each other.  Ascentris, and its employees, are committed to (i) avoiding illegal and unethical activities at all times, (ii) active community involvement, civic service, and philanthropic efforts and (iii) employee health and wellbeing.


Governance Structure

Ascentris has been intentional about building and maintaining a culture of accountability and transparency. We believe investors are entitled to accurate, timely, and transparent accounting and reporting methods consistent with ILPA standards. Ascentris provides its investors with the same level of accountability and transparency it expects from its employees, operating partners, development partners, and service providers.